Our focus is clear. We basically aim to make a contribution to bridge the gap between labour market demands and training supply. We offer our expertise and services to those who are ultimately responsible: the employers, the training providers, and regulating bodies and authorities. We help developing strategies; building and implementing systems, such as NQFs; creating partnerships between the World of Work and the World of Training and Education; building capacities; and so on.
Our approach is simple. We use our common sense; focus on the heart of the matter and create fit-for-purpose solutions. Less is more. We don’t do miracles.
We don’t take things for granted. We are critically committed to deliver the professional support needed by our clients – but not at all costs. What clients need may be different from what they want. However, we always aim at providing respectful, yet challenging and rewarding, enjoyable and sometimes mildly painful learning experiences.
We have a soft spot for those who are willing and trying to move forward, and who dare to say: ”help”. We want to support people and organizations who are willing to make a change but who don’t know how. We like to encourage them to take the plunge and give it a try. Grow against the flow!