The Hospitality an Tourism sector is booming, creating numerous job, or ‘gig’ opportunities for many, quite often unqualified and under qualified. The sector is easily accessible. Much work that needs to be done requires common sense, a few tricks of the trade, and friendliness. A bit of talent wouldn’t hurt, but it doesn’t require a high level qualification.

The demand is huge, in quality and quantity, and in variety! Fascinating!

However, despite the strengthening of lower qualification educational programs, much to the benefit of participants and graduates, hence the industry, there are still two major opportunities for further development of both the training as well as the business component.

Based on our experiences in hospitality and tourism related education projects, as well as in quality auditing programs ( assessing the provision services and products in hotels, lodges and guesthouses, we have decided to kick-start two new initiatives. Objectives:

  • To train unqualified and under qualified workers up to specific international standards, in order to support their career in the sector, instead of ending in dead-end street jobs
  • To provide particular support to the SME’s and family businesses in finding ways to increase sales. We have noticed that an increase of  sales takes a few ‘tricks’ and a staff sales-attitude. It’s not exactly rocket science.

The initiatives are:

More on this will be made available shortly.

Furthermore: we may assist in:

  • Hospitality Talent Scouting
  • Hospitality training, basic or refreshment, for instance in company, or on-the-job, and with or without nationally accredited training providers
  • Sales and pricing strategies for SME’s
  • Conceptualize new ideas, for instance sustainable supply chains

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